Monday, June 6, 2011

The Beginning

"The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, THIS faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's OUR HANDLE on what we can't see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them ABOVE the crowd." - Hebrews 11:1-2

If you've never read Hebrews 11-12 in The Message I suggest you do so right away. It's eye-opening, soul-changing, and spirit-awakening. It's also the basis of my life now. Had you met me a year ago, even 6 months ago, I doubt you'd recognize me. You see my life changed the very minute God needed it to and this journey that I'm on..this phenomenal, radical, amazing journey has NOTHING to do with me. I'm the tool, the object Christ is using to change nations. I state this more confidently than I could ever imagine and it somehow also intimidates me.

My journey began much like any child growing up in a Christian home. It was stable, nice, and a bubble. In high school my bubble popped and my friends..was gone. I had choices, I chose to go against my faith and I have walked out those consequences for the past 6 years. Thank God he is in the business of forgiveness and mercy, always pursuing us, ALWAYS. I got to college and my life flip-flopped 180 degrees. It didn't happen all at once and it wasn't pretty; my friends can attest to that! But it was divinely inspired and radically beautiful. And every time I think I'm close to the end a new challenge is thrown my way. Isn't that the best though? To climb a mountain, reach the top, hit the downhill with speed, and sprint right up the next? I wouldn't want it any other way.

God asked me almost a year ago if I'd move to Denver, Colorado. He asked will you change your plans for me? No graduate school, no sunny Florida. I said okay, I'm not the only one of my friends called there so it wouldn't be difficult - applied to an internship and obtained the position. And that's where it stopped being easy because He then asked if I'd move before the internship started, before friends were moving, and with NO money. (Can you say: food stamps?) He would be in complete control and I would have none. The most stretching thing I've ever dealt with, especially being a daughter of Eve, a human.

"To the women He said, I will greatly multiply your grief and your suffering in pregnancy and the pangs of childbearing; with spasms of distress you will bring forth children. Yet your desire and craving will be for your husband and he will rule over you" - Genesis 3: 16 (AMP)
" All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pains throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it's not only around us it's within us.." Romans 8:22-23 (The Message)
(Disclaimer: I don't think I'm a theologist or understand every word of the Bible but I do think in reading the word, through the Holy Spirit, we gain wisdom and clarity.)

As a human we love control, love to be in least that describes me! But I know it's also just the flesh so these past 2 weeks I've been learning to relinquish that. I call on nothing but the Holy Spirit in times of strife and pray even more fervently for perseverance. Because without it I'd truly not be able to walk a step. Once you hit the realization your life is not your own and neither are the choices you make (even that hello to the mailman or which Starbucks you end up at) it becomes wildly freeing. Life passes by and you become more relaxed knowing He's leading you! (I am not claiming I've got it down pat but I'm learning.)

Please listen to this though, it's the most important part! As you choose to follow God and not yourSELF friends will leave, parents will question, and the devil will attack at a 20. You will be a Noah in your own right claiming water shall rain from the sky instead of flowing from the ground. You will be marked crazy and few will understand you anymore. The only solace I can give you is that you aren't the first and you will not be the last. What Christ asks of you is INDIVIDUALLY inspired no one will have faced what you are going to but beloved if He's asking, it means you can! You'll need to call on Him for courage/strength, learn the word, and pray the armor over yourself every morning but it's a phenomenal journey! A right of passage into the kingdom and isn't that what we want as little kids anyways? Girl or Boy we want to be some kind of warrior or hero and that is our God-given calling to save those which are lost to be a warrior and hero for our Father. What a privilege!

"My question: What are God-worshipers like?
Your answer: Arrows aimed at God's bull's eye
They settle down in a promising place;
Their kids inherit a prosperous farm" - Psalm 25:12 (The Message)

So this is where our journey begins..He has huge plans for us all and I'm ecstatic to share every moment with you. Never settle for anything less than the best in all that you do it's for His glory and failure isn't an option.

Praying for and loving you all,

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