Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Responsibly Irresponsible or Something Like That..

Mark Batterson, author of Wild Goose Chase, asks a very intuitive question.."Is your guardian angel bored?" Yeah let's think about that, it's a hard question to answer honestly isn't it?

"My question: What are God-worshipers like?
Your answer: Arrows aimed at God's bull's eye."
- Psalm 25:12 (The Message)

In my opinion God wouldn't have us on a safe, comfortable, all-American journey ALL the time. That does not mean to say that He doesn't give us little pearls and nuggets - safe places and places of rest when we desperately need refueling. Family should be one of those pearls. God's feet should be the ultimate place of rest. And then those random places, songs, people - where we feel we can just breathe.

Golden, CO is that for me. I am on an amazing journey where some might say I am being irresponsible. And I'll look you straight in the eye and say no I'm spirit led being responsibly irresponsible..ask my mother she'll tell you! Again thank you Mark Batterson! That phrase of responsible irresponsibility has helped shape what God has called me to. I applied to no less than 50 jobs, had 3 interviews, obtained positions at all 3 and was called out of all 3. Doesn't make sense does it? I literally had $300 in my bank account, registered for food stamps, and had no money for rent/electric/loan. But let's go straight to the word:

"I don't think the way you think. 
The way you work isn't the way I work" God's Decree
For as the sky soars high above the earth, 
so the way I work surpasses the way you work,
and the way I think is beyond the way you think...
So you'll go out in joy,
you'll be held into a whole and complete life."
- Isaiah 55:8-13 (The Message)


"TRUST God from the bottom of your heart;
don't try to figure out everything on your own.
LISTEN for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he's the one who will keep you on track.
Don't assume that you know it all.."
- Proverbs 3:5-12 (The Message)


"Mortals make elaborate plans,
but God has the LAST word.
Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good
God probes for what IS good."
- Proverbs 16:1-2 (The Message)

You see where I'm going. I trusted in His provisions. I trusted as far as to keep tithing as the widow with the mites did (Luke 21:1-4) not because I necessarily wanted to but because God told me to..When we are faithful with little, He is faithful with MUCH. His provisions came in an outpouring of blessings. SO much so that I was overwhelmed with His love and mercy. ALL bills - paid. Offer of 2 camps for Athletic Training - done. Food stamps - came through. I actually did work for a day and you know how God worked through that? A girl at that job had been praying the Holy Spirit would bring another Christian into her life to help her through this time. Is that a divine encounter or what?

People we MUST start walking in the Holy Spirit at ALL times. It's a choice we have and a very important one - life or death in my opinion. Yes, it could be reckless. Yes, you might have a job and a family and what that looks like for you I don't know but I do know you aren't the only one who feels that conviction to MOVE. If you don't move it is saying: "God I don't trust you, I don't think you have my BEST at heart and I KNOW BETTER". I know that's bold and harsh and is going to rustle many feathers but it's also truth and if it's offensive ask yourself why?

"I'll give you only the best - NO MORE hand-me-downs!
Gold instead of Bronze, Silver instead of Iron,
Bronze instead of Wood, Iron instead of Stones...
I am GOD.
At the right time I'll Make it Happen."
- Isaiah 60 (The Message)

Oh Beloved, He wants to give you blessings beyond belief; the best of the best. Do you know why? Because He is your Father and YOU are His child. Do you know that...truly? He wants to show up for you in extraordinary ways so that your life is a LIVING testament to HIM. That is why we were truly made isn't it? The Bible holds stories of people who were God-fearing (and some not-so) that God was able to use and show up in their lives so we could see He is BIG. But don't limit Him to those pages sitting on your night stand. That is a fear instilled in you by the enemy. Your life is being written by the same God who wrote those stories. Be recklessly abandoned for Him, He'll bless you for it. Why wouldn't He love...He is Abba. Say that aloud with me and tell me you don't feel anything: Abba.

I'm not saying to immediately hand out all money, sell house, and say "now what"..especially with a family that is IRRESPONSIBLE. However, with much prayer, He'll tell you exactly what to do-when to do it. Like it says above: "At the right time I'll Make it Happen."And there are great ways to do things now like opening your house to a friend in need..even if you don't want to make that commitment. Buy food for that homeless man...even if your flesh says "I don't have time". Remember people: others are watching our actions, and God knows the motives behind our heart.

Please don't read this thinking I've put myself on a pedestal and am condemning you all. I'm just as convicted as you all in this area that's why I'm so passionate..I've been so broken and so humbled in this area for the past 24 days that it's the desire of my heart to share it. So we can all walk that much further down these divinely inspired paths together responsibly irresponsible.

I love you all so dearly,

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